Better Email Delivery

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If you have very sharp eyes, you may have noticed MessageMyWay emails now come from instead of [email protected]. Read on to find out how this tiny change makes a big difference!

MessageMyWay is built on Google's Appengine system, so it seemed to make sense to use Appengine's built-in email delivery service to deliver emails. But as MessageMyWay has grown, we've had increasing numbers of complaints that emails didn't arrive. Sometimes it was easy to tell why (a bad email address, for instance), but because Appengine's email service provides no feedback, most of the time we were left in the dark.

At the same time, we got more calls where the message turned up in the spam folder. It seems that other Appengine users are employing the system to send out spam, so mail servers regarded messages from the Appengine servers with increasing suspicion.

The answer to both these problems was to build our own email server, imaginatively named It tells us when emails have been accepted by the remote mail server, and in some cases even when the message has been put in the destination mailbox. Now you see the email delivery numbers rise in real time, where previously they instantly showed all messages as sent:

And because the new server's reputation is not tarnished by anyone else, we've got a spotless score on the spam blacklists. We've set up an alphabet soup of anti-spam protocols (SPF, DKIM and DMARK for the geeks) so email servers know they can trust messages from us, and we've seen just one case of an email server rejecting a message as spam. To put that in perspective, the email server recently sent over 26,000 emails in one day without breaking a sweat.

As you can probably tell, we're very pleased with the new email server. It's taken a lot of work behind the scenes, but we're happy that MessageMyWay email delivery is now up to the high standards that our customers expect.

Last updated Sun 28 Oct 2018 by MessageMyWay Support.